[Bugsquad] Proposed schedule for July.

George Goldberg grundleborg at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 27 04:00:31 CEST 2008

Hi everyone,

So we've had a bit of a break to recover from the onslaught of
bug/krush days recently, and I think its time to get going again. Here
is my proposed schedule for July, as discussed with a few people on
IRC. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

 - Sunday, July 6th -- Kopete bug triage day.
 - Sunday, July 20th -- Kopete bug triage day 2.

- Why these dates?
I think based on past experience the once per 2 weeks schedule works
very well for keeping up momentum but not exhausting everyone. I know
July 4th is a holiday in the USA, but as far as I can tell it doesn't
effect anywhere else in the world, so we will just have to go for it,
since its really hard making a sensible schedule on Sundays that
avoids all public holidays everywhere.

- Why Kopete?
Looking at the Most Bugs league table, Konqueror comes in top - but
we've done so much of that it would be really boring.. Kmail comes in
second, but imho we should wait until after KDE 4.1 is released to
tackle that, so we can close bugs as "FIXED in KDE 4" without annoying
users because there is no KDE 4 release of KMail. 3rd and 4th are
kdelibs and kio, which are both rather difficult to triage and
probably not a good choice for training new triagers on a bug day,
which leads to kopete! The devs are very keen for us to triage it, and
there are a lot of cruft bugs, so it should be a very good choice.

I think we need two days because looking at past bug days, we normally
get about 200-300 done and there are 530 kopete bugs.

Comments? Suggestions?


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