[Appeal] Translucency: Second try

Aaron Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Apr 20 21:42:43 CEST 2005

On April 20, 2005 18:51, Hans Oischinger wrote:
> There were quite some conflicts due to the latest changes to taskbar and
> taskmanager which lead to some ugly manual merging.

sorry about that.

> Enable the effect in the configure taskbar dlg via "Enable exposite
> effects". You'll get the best result with kompmgr running and transparency
> fadein/fadeout disabled imo.

i don't want any of this in the GUI yet as i'm pondering ways of reworking the 
taskbar config at the moment, but the kcfg entry looks fine.

> Technically: I call XFlush() and XSync() very often and am not sure if it's
> needed but it seemed to me as if it provided the best output.

we probably should use QApplication::flushX() and QApplication::syncX() 
instead .. yes, they do the same thing, but at least its portable ... in 
fact, i wonder if QApplication::flush() wouldn't be even better? dunno..

and all of the XWindow specific code needs to be wrapped in #ifdef Q_WS_X11

findWmFrame ... is that trying to look for the "main" window for the window in 
question? if so, does KWin::findTransientFor(int wID) do the same thing for 

it doesn't work with Xinerama. the windows move over onto the second screen, 
and if the target window is on screen 2 it gets cover up. heh. you'll need to 
make it Xinerama aware.

also, if the task in question is not on the current desktop, does the effect 
make sense? hm.

> Btw: I have to change the name to something better than exposite (which
> comes from the opposit of Exposé and that makes it even more stupid...
> whatever)

hehe.. yeah... don't have a name for you at the moment though =)

Aaron J. Seigo
Society is Geometric
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