[Appeal] Translucency: Second try

Aaron Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Apr 20 21:40:50 CEST 2005

On April 20, 2005 19:04, Hans Oischinger wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 April 2005 20:51, Hans Oischinger wrote:
> > Technically: I call XFlush() and XSync() very often and am not sure if
> > it's needed but it seemed to me as if it provided the best output.
> Ah yeah, and it blocks the taskbar for about 200ms... Maybe it should be
> threaded but I get stomach trouble when thinking of my first tries with Qt
> threading some time ago.

heh.. i wouldn't bother until KDE4 to experiment with threading anyways. it's 
too painful with Qt3 for these kinds of things.

what about using a QTimer to break it up though? yes, this means that one 
could start another exposite event while one is in progress or other sorts of 
things to really mess you up ;) but maybe it's worth looking at?

i'm fine with it going into CVS without this, though.. this is more of a "make 
it really nice by making it non-blocking" sort of polish detail than a "show 
stopper" IMHO.

Aaron J. Seigo
Society is Geometric
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