[Appeal] Translucency effect

Hans Oischinger hans.oischinger at h3c.de
Tue Apr 12 12:56:37 CEST 2005

> i'm sorry, maybe it's just because it's 02:00 and i've had a very long
> day... but what exactly does this do? i see it has something to do with the
> taskbar and minimizing windows or some such ... but could you elaborate a
> bit on it for the tired amongst us? =)
OK it was very early in Germany and I already had two cups of coffee, so maybe 
I was a little weird when posting this :)
When you hover over a taskbutton in the taskbar all windows (except the one 
under the mouse pointer) are faded to opacity 15. That makes hidden windows 
visible. The effect is undone when the mouse leaves the taskbar.

It's only an experiment, so feel free to criticize it. As I already mentioned 
before I expect a certain amount of people to hate it :)

> also, is this a patch against kwin, or kicker, or...?
it's against libtaskbar (and libtaskmanger, but maybe not in a final version 
if continue to work on it)... just a few lines of code until now.

Greets, Hans
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