[Appeal] Translucency effect

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Apr 12 10:16:43 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 12 April 2005 12:19, Hans Oischinger wrote:
> I already talked to some of you in Berlin about a little translucency
> effect that I wanted to implement. But before checking it into kdecvs (and
> being flamed for that by many people, I suppose) I'd rather like to discuss
> it here.

i'm sorry, maybe it's just because it's 02:00 and i've had a very long day... 
but what exactly does this do? i see it has something to do with the taskbar 
and minimizing windows or some such ... but could you elaborate a bit on it 
for the tired amongst us? =)

also, is this a patch against kwin, or kicker, or...?

Aaron J. Seigo
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