[Appeal] Re: Helping out with APPEAL

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Apr 7 20:14:51 CEST 2005

Hi Joshua...

On Thursday 07 April 2005 11:11, you wrote:
> I have listened to your Linux radio interviews, and read a lot about the
> APPEAL project you're involved with. I wanted to introduce myself, and ask
> if there is any way possible that I could be of service to the project.

well, let's find out! =)

> My 
> name is Joshua Keel, and I'm a freshman Computer Science student at Bob
> Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, US. I've done a little 
> Qt/KDE development (helping Jeff Snyder out with Kompare),

i've been watching the work being done on  Kompare... i must say i like the 
direction it has been heading in =)

> and I'm 
> intensely interested in usability and interface design issues. I've been
> reading all I could get my hands on about APPEAL (all the mailing list
> messages), and it sounds like a great project. If there's any way I could
> get involved, or maybe at least subscribe to the mailing list, please let
> me know. I'm interested in working to help the project, not trolling or
> sitting on the sidelines.

as i'm sure you can understand, we want to keep Appeal as focussed on results 
and specific projects as possible so as to build an exciting and productive 
environment. we're hoping that this approach will help maintain the project's 
vision as we grow.

so ... is there something in particular that you'd like to bring with you, 
project-wise, into Appeal? e.g. would you be wanting to work on Kompare, or 
do you have other targets in mind?

> Thanks for your work for KDE, and have a great  day.

you too =)

Aaron J. Seigo
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