[Appeal] Appeal icon theme

David Vignoni david.vignoni at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 14:32:42 CEST 2005

On Apr 5, 2005 1:28 PM, tackat at t-online.de <tackat at t-online.de> wrote:
> With "APPEAL" we are trying to move away from some rather 
> sounding
> Application and program names.
> "Oksigen" in this respect just sounds just like a traditional KDE name
> :-(
> "Oxygen" would be much better, sounds much more appealing, _but_ as I
> already

The problem of Oxygen is already a common name everywhere, what about
O² but I think something better.

For now I think to "oksigen" is the codename.

> mentioned during the Appeal conference I'd prefer it if our visual
> identity would be
> named after the project name as this gives much more boost in terms of
> PR
> for the "APPEAL" brand. So I'd strongly favour "Appeal Icon Theme".

I would prefere to have a different name for the icon theme, cause I
don't think we'll have a: Appeal icon theme, Appeal Widget Style,
Appeal Window decoration.

> > http://www.icon-king.com/appeal/preview.png
> Looks very promising already. The only thing I dislike is the magenta
> line
> which together with the blue reminds me of CGA.

I don't know what is CGA and for me is the normal sheet paper I had in my 
school notebooks, and I really like this metaphor for text files
better than pencils, sunglasses and so on... but these are details,
it's not important define how the txt icon will be, is more important
thinking how to make the various icons for the differents groups
(action, toolbars, devices, filesystem, applications).

David Vignoni

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