amarok won't start, again...

salamandir salamandir at
Sun Jun 26 21:02:51 UTC 2016

On Sunday, June 26, 2016 10:44:02 PM, Thomas Lübking, an eminent manifestation 
of divinity, wrote:
> Ensure to have started amarok (whether "it won't start up" doesn't
> matter, just have it clicked) and then try
>    qdbus | grep -i amarok
> to figure the service.

salamandir at horseradish:~$ qdbus | grep -i amarok

which one do i use?

> >but that's the thing... if there is no indication of a problem using qdbus,
> "No Gui" could be due to a start as systray icon (and a problem with the
> systray) - the relevant aspect is to figure what "won't start" actually
> (ie. technically) means.


looking at the systray...

when i do

ps -u salamandir | grep amarok

and then

kill -9 <PID>

i noticed that, about half of the time, there is a blank space in the systray. 
the other half of the time, there is an amarok icon in the systray. when i 
clicked the blank space/systray icon, the GUI appeared.

it's not a problem with amarok, it's a problem with the systray.

i'll go away and leave you alone now.

salamandir at

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