Query database librairies

Maxime Haselbauer maxime.haselbauer at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 24 18:50:13 UTC 2015

Indeed, after posting number of bugs reports on amarok since 2011 and witnessing always the following communication pattern by mamarok, I gone bored and switched to a more "rough" strategy.
I don't regret this choice since there might well be something after all...
If I would not have come here and shout nothing would have happen ..

I have reported loads of bug on various software (KDE related or not) I only have this problem with mamarok so far...

*********************************THE MAMAROK WAY TO TREAT BUG REPORT***************
1) Start to ask all sorts of precisions about version, distribution, type of computer, age of your grandmother etc..
	Of cours the bug reporter might already have included lots of this information, but never mind, keep asking it should already pissed of 20 % of the users
	Wait Until Next Reply (from now on WUNR)
2) Make in short the following statements to the user
	"It is working on my computer" (because everything work on your computer)
	"So it must come from you"  (aka you have had an illusion it is working well !)
	That step should easily get another 30% away and WUNR
3)At that point you are officially facing an insisting user
	Stress that it is working for you and that it must come from the user installation.
	Don't hesistate also to invoke unregular use case of the software that could not be predicted and are impossible to test before release (e.g if the users press on play button or try to create a playlist)
	That step will easily get a 40% out!
	WUNR and wait several weeks.
4)Bad luck, you are facing a really stubborn user.
	Re-stress that it is working for you and that as such you can not put the bug on confirm.
	Make the point that you need at least ten other people to report the same to put on confirm.
	This clearly get out the 9.9999% left and WUNR
5)Shit! you are facing the one of a kind !
	Time is your friend.
	Wait a few month or years until you discretly close it for "lack of feedback"

And bear in mind
Never suggest workaround
Never say, accpet or just think of the idea that there might be a bug in the code
Finally, you are one with the code! Every bug report is not an attempt to contribute to the quality of the code but nothing else than a personal attack against you, also FIGHT BACK!!

Am Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 19:18:05 schrieb Andreas Mahel:
> Am Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 15:46:16 schrieb Myriam Schweingruber:
> > Hi Maxime,
> > 
> > On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Maxime Haselbauer
> > 
> > <maxime.haselbauer at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > any users having ideas of typical command on how to query playlist of the
> > > database of amarok from command line?
> > > 
> > > developpers have no ideas so i a m asking here
> > 
> > FWIW: you never asked a developer, only me, and I stopped answering to
> > you on the bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=345182 due
> > to your rather uncivil behavior.
> > 
> > I am not a developer, I do bug triaging and user support in my spare time.
> > 
> > FWIW2: if you want to ask a developer, maybe do so nicely on the
> > amarok-devel at kde.org mailing list, but I have little hope you will get
> > an answer as they have all read your bug report...
> > 
> > Myriam
> Hi,
> Despite the fact that Maxime's tone is well past of being polite, I did have a 
> look at the mentioned bug report, and it occurred to me that there might be an 
> Amarok issue involved after all.
> While  the general playlist functionality is working fine for me as well, I 
> did a short test to see what happens if the files are not available to amarok 
> anymore. And there I noticed a small difference in the error message I 
> received compared to the one Maxime posted in 
> http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/15/plasma-desktopyk2315.png
> In my error message, it said "When Amarok was last closed, this track was at 
> file:///data/......, but Amarok cannot find...". 
> In Maxime's error message, however, it says " this track was at , but Amarok 
> cannot find..."
> This indicates that - for whatever reason - Amarok did not manage to save a 
> valid file location for this track when creating the playlist. The reason for 
> this might lie in the setup of Maxime's machine (I could imagine strange 
> characters in path names) but still could be valid for a fix after all.
> This, of course, as I see it, would require Maxime's cooperation in both 
> providing information and moving to a more polite tone in communication.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Andreas

Maxime Haselbauer
dit Wotan 147
Dipl.-Ing allg Maschinebau
Ingénieur Arts et Métiers
Mobil: +4915203610608 
Mobile: +33777064873
maxime.haselbauer at googlemail.com[1] 
Maintainer of Rainyday https://gitorious.org/rainyday

[1] mailto:maxime.haselbauer at googlemail.com
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