Some Mass Media not recognized

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Sat Oct 26 11:15:42 UTC 2013

On Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013 12:58:58 CEST, Alexander Puchmayr wrote:

> 2) the usb-widget in plasmas task bar pops up, offering "open 
> with dolphin", 
> etc.  At the same time, in dolphin the corresponding entry in 
> "Devices" shows 
> up

Ok, was just a wild shot (some card readers will simply annouce all drives at once and then never report when actually a card is inserted - if the card is a superdisk ie. the volume is sdc rather than sdc1 there's no chance to notice that for those readers)

I don't know the Amarok code in that area, but guess it filters for particular StorageDrive::DriveType's?


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