Amarok hangs after playing 1/3 - 1/2 of a song

Dan Johansson kde at
Sat Jul 13 09:31:46 UTC 2013


I have since some time a problem with amarok.
When I start amarok and start to play a song everything works fine, but
after about 1/3 of the title the GUI freezes and the music continues
until about 1/2 way then it stops as well.

I have to issue a "killall -9 amarok" to "end" the GUI.

Here is the last part of the debug output:

amarok: BEGIN: void Collections::ScriptableServiceQueryMaker::fetchTracks()
amarok:   parent id:  1
amarok:   i am sending signals!
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScriptableServiceScript::slotPopulate(QString,
int, int, QString, QString)
amarok:     SCRIPT "Free Music Charts" :  "populating fmc level: 0"
amarok:     SCRIPT "Free Music Charts" :  "populating fmc track level..."
amarok:     SCRIPT "Free Music Charts" :  ""
amarok:     SCRIPT "Free Music Charts" :  "done populating fmc track
amarok:     BEGIN: int ScriptableServiceScript::donePopulating() const
amarok:       BEGIN: void ScriptableServiceManager::donePopulating(const
QString&, int)
amarok:         Service name:  "Free Music Charts" , parent id:  1
amarok:         BEGIN: void
amarok:           BEGIN: void
amarok:             there are  0  tracks
amarok:             Emitting  0  tracks
amarok:           END__: void
Collections::ScriptableServiceQueryMaker::slotScriptComplete() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         END__: void
Collections::ScriptableServiceCollection::donePopulating(int) [Took: 0s]
amarok:       END__: void ScriptableServiceManager::donePopulating(const
QString&, int) [Took: 0s]
amarok:     END__: int ScriptableServiceScript::donePopulating() const
[Took: 0s]
amarok:   END__: void ScriptableServiceScript::slotPopulate(QString,
int, int, QString, QString) [Took: 0.001s]
amarok: END__: void
Collections::ScriptableServiceQueryMaker::fetchTracks() [Took: 0.001s]
amarok: [SqlRegistry]   albums: 743 (-1) of 744 cached
amarok: [SqlRegistry]  artists: 3570 (0) of 3572 cached
amarok: [SqlRegistry]   genres: 83 (0) of 83 cached
amarok: [SqlRegistry]   tracks: 9173 (-12) of 9185 cached
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::checkForDirectoryChanges()
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual void ScanManager::requestIncrementalScan(const
amarok:     [ScanManager] addDirToList for ""
amarok:   END__: virtual void ScanManager::requestIncrementalScan(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual void ScannerJob::run()
amarok:     BEGIN: DirWatchJob::DirWatchJob(QObject*,
amarok:     END__: DirWatchJob::DirWatchJob(QObject*,
Collections::DatabaseCollection*) [Took: 0s]
amarok:     BEGIN: virtual void DirWatchJob::run()
amarok:     END__: void ScanManager::checkForDirectoryChanges() [Took:
amarok:     [ScanManager] ScannerJob: got count: 833
amarok:     BEGIN: virtual void SqlScanResultProcessor::commit()
amarok:       BEGIN: void SqlScanResultProcessor::urlsCacheInit()
amarok:       END__: void SqlScanResultProcessor::urlsCacheInit() [Took:
amarok:       BEGIN: virtual void
amarok:       END__: virtual void
SqlScanResultProcessor::deleteDeletedDirectories() [Took: 0.011s]
amarok:     END__: virtual void SqlScanResultProcessor::commit() [Took:
amarok:     [ScanManager] ScannerJob finished
amarok:   END__: virtual void ScannerJob::run() [Took: 1.6s]

Any suggestions on whats happening here.

Dan Johansson, <>
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