I want my reliable laptop based Amarok jukebox back

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Sun Aug 11 17:49:26 UTC 2013

Am Sonntag, 11. August 2013, 18:13:21 schrieb Anne Wilson:
> The second thing is that I discovered that it actually matters which
> USB port I connect the sound card to.  Silly as it sounds, if it goes
> through one port or the powered hub that is usually connected there I
> get horrible static.  By experimentation I found that one of the other
> ports gives me good sound.  At least, it did yesterday.  A test a
> minute ago tells me that the static is back.
> Is it possible that there is some sort of build-up somewhere?  Some
> fault that is minor at first but becomes progressively worse?  The
> laptop has been up for 2 days now, so it has had time to "ripen" if
> that's the case.
> I hope something here rings a bell for someone

Hehe, I had that.

That Sonica Theater also only works in certain ports.

With the ThinkPad T23 it only worked from the USB 1.1 port of the ThinkPad, it 
didn´t work reliably from the USB 2.0 port of a NEC based USB PCMCIA adapter.

On the ThinkPad T42 it worked on the internal USB ports. But maybe I a tad bit 
more unreliable than on the T23.

Well, I removed it for now and that way I seem to have gotten rid of some of 
the trouble.

Out of interest: Does your setup including PulseAudio work nicely with 
hibernation and resume?

I also wonder whether the USB sound card may have gotten worse over the years…

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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