Error found after update

Martin Steigerwald Martin at
Wed May 30 17:26:25 UTC 2012

Hi Barayuda,

Am Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012 schrieb Barayuda Gautama:
> Hello Amarok Team,
> I'm one of your amarok software fans. I want give a feedback for this
> update.
> I using opensuse 12.1 and a while ago i was update amarok to version
> 2.5.0-155
> And, also many software update too.
> I don't know, why after update opensuse and i'm running amarok, amarok
> get some error. (error screenshot in attach file)
> Could you help me to solve this error on my opensuse?
> Thanks for all of your attentions :D

See my post

Fails to initalize db: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (solved 

It might be related to MySQL 5.5 as it was in my case.

Should it be exactly the same issue a

mkdir /etc/mysql/conf.d

as root should help unless OpenSUSE MySQL packaging differs between Debian 
and OpenSUSE in that point.

In Debian that issue is already patches in current Amarok package.

But it may be a different issue on your system. Look in output when 
starting amarok --debug on Konsole.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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