I'm now finished with Amarok

Nikos Chantziaras realnc at arcor.de
Sat Apr 9 16:28:16 UTC 2011

On 04/09/2011 07:03 PM, AG wrote:
> On 09/04/11 15:55, Thomas Lübking wrote:
>> Am 09.04.2011, 13:27 Uhr, schrieb AG<computing.account at googlemail.com>:
>>> After so many different attempts to make Amarok work, I am sorry to say
>>> this but I am now done with this damned thing.
>> So your approach was to try on your own instead of asking and when you
>> couldn't bear it anymore you decided to inform the general amarok list
>> (not even the devs).
>> Sounds not very smart to me - unless you just want to troll around, then
>> it's a pretty perfect strategy (and given your mail address i'm actually
>> quite sure i'll just waste my time to a troll by the following reply, but
>> i cannot help myself - the first lines may sound a bit harsh to get a
>> non-troll's brain down to the ground ;-)
> Not all users who get pissed off because an application doesn't work as
> advertised and who are vocal are "trolls".


I feel like the OP.  And I'm also finished with Amarok since its bugs 
(or Phonon's bugs, I've no idea and don't care) started to drive me 
crazy, even though I never went on and post about it.  I'm sure none of 
the devs gives a damn about me not using Amarok anymore, so why go vocal 
about it?

To the OP: Yes, Amarok has too much suckage nowadays, and you stopped 
using it, but no one really cares, so why did you post about it?  That 
can be interpreted as trolling.

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