Spread the word, and spread the word to spread the word!

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 09:48:12 UTC 2010

Folks, it's half-way through Roktober, and we need to spread the word!
Markey found this nice blog mention:


We need to blog, tweet, dent, AND when we find blogs, tweets, dents --
reply to them. Get a conversation going. If nothing else, thank them
for spreading the word, and suggest that other readers not only
contribute, but also spread the word. We need money, and we need

Hundreds of small donations from users is *better* than just a few
large ones, because it means more committed users. So lets get this
ball rolling!


PS: This includes replying on the Dot article:

Markey's blog, my blog, the original announcement, the Reddit link:
, etc. etc. It all counts!

Last.fm, Facebook, Twitter, Identica, LinkedIn, Delicious: valoriez

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