Automated Playlist Generator: Congratulations! And feature request (Copy playlist result to Media player)

Christian Esken christian.esken at
Mon Aug 23 15:18:22 UTC 2010

On Monday 23 August 2010 15:09:10 Soren Harward wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Christian Esken <esken at> wrote:
> > Now for my feature request: I would like to copy the results from the APG
> > to my media player. Is it correct, that this is not possible at the
> > moment?
> As Bart pointed out, there's the "save current playlist" button, and
> the saved playlist can be sync'ed to an external media player.  IMO,
> this is the best way to connect the APG and media devices.
> The APG stores rules for creating playlists, not playlists themselves.
>  Since only the *results* of the APG can be copied to media devices,
> and since the *results* of the APG end up in the active playlist, and

Yes, this conforms with my idea. I agree that anything that goes beyond that 
is an extra.

> since we've already got a (mostly working) mechanism for copying the
> active playlist to media devices, I think we've got everything we

You see me confused now. There is a way to do it? I have really spent hours 
browsing the Amarok interface and checking Internet forums and search 
machines. I did so again and again with each new major Amarok release.

I simply see no way to copy the playlist to a media device. I have an IPod and 
a plain USB memory stick, but I don't see a way to copy playlist and/or the 
MP3 files to any of those:
I saved the current playlist to all 3 types: "internal database", "filesystem" 
and "media player". Amarok adds the playlist to the appropriate category in 
the "Saved Playlists". So far so good.

But what to do from there? There is no context menu entry "Copy to media 
player". And DnD doesn't seem to be possible, because I don't find a place to 
drop it in Amarok (There is no Media player icon/text/something to drop it, 
and the central widget area also has no such functionality).


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