Elegance -- some suggestions for amarok first run

Kevin Funk krf at gmx.de
Mon Aug 2 16:16:00 UTC 2010

Monday 02 August 2010, Harley Laue <losinggeneration at gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Jeff Mitchell <mitchell at kde.org> wrote:
> > On 07/30/2010 06:04 PM, Harley Laue wrote:
> >> Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> >>> It does not access your passwords, but Amarok loads the last.fm module
> >>> on start which can't be done otherwise for logical reasons: imagine
> >>> the delay every time you switch to another local music item, people
> >>> would complain that Amarok is slow on every item change. Better have a
> >>> delay at start than having a delay each time a new  module needs to be
> >>> loaded.
> >> 
> >> I'm curious as to why (or if) it's wanting the kwallet before you ever
> >> enter your last.fm login/password. If you haven't entered in that, I
> >> can't see any good reason to need kwallet until that info has been
> >> entered. It's been quite some time since I've had a first run of
> >> Amarok though.
> > 
> > IIUC it's because we can't know that the credentials are clear until we
> > open the wallet to check.
> > 
> > However, we could probably mitigate this by having a flag in amarokrc
> > file that indicates whether there are non-blank Last.fm credentials or
> > not.
> > 
> > Or, store the username in amarokrc and only the password in the wallet,
> > and use that as the indication whether or not there are credentials.
> Is there any reason the username needs to be in the wallet too?

Well, to identify yourself on any system you have to provide a valid id _and_ 
a password. So there's a reason to both store those values in the wallet. It's 
not just that your password would be sufficient.

> Just
> browsing my kwallet, it looks like Amarok is the only one to store the
> username there. (It looks like Kopete, Choqok, KMail, and Subversion
> all only store the passwords, but I'm not 100% on that.) Either of
> your proposed options would probably work, but unless there's some
> very good reason to store the username in the wallet too, I think
> having the username in the amarokrc would probably work out pretty
> well.

I'd rather just put some boolean value (LastFmLoginProvided) in the rc and 
then validate the wallet credentials.

Just my two cents


Kevin Funk

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