Feedback: simple but important issue

Marc Schmid schmid.m at
Tue Apr 13 07:29:29 UTC 2010

Dear all

I'm slowly getting used to Amarok (changed from GNOME to KDE). Seems to be a 
good player - I'm just not yet able to customise the appearance in detail.

One - somehow simple - issue would be crucial to solve:
Using a basic installation of Kubuntu (9.10, 64 bit), the player did not work. 
The problems were the codecs and n o t the xine or pulseaudio (as often found 
in the forums - I guess this is only a problem if several desktops are 
-> For a clean Kubuntu installation one needs to install:
1. some libxine (the base and ffmpeg packages)
2. from karmic free and non-free the win64 or win32 
3. eventually also kaffeine (this is written on - but should also 
work without).

I strongly recommend to implement a notification within the program that tells 
you "missing codec" instead of "too many errors, playlist stopped" - so that 
one at least knows that the codecs are the problem (if you do not want to 
automatically install the packages from Of course better would 
be a autoinstallation (question at first amarok startup) or a notification at 
the first start that tells you where/how to get the codecs.

All the best


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