Sascha Manns
saigkill at
Sat Apr 3 14:25:25 UTC 2010
Am Samstag, 3. April 2010 15:55:21 wrote Thomas Lübking:
> The "Communication problem..." message is from KUniqueApplication (it
> checks whether an instance is running, what the current instance is,
> blablabla) If it doesn't find amarok on the dbus IPC server it
> assumes it crashed - but iirc that's timer delay driven.
> This does not indicate a relation to the previous ksycoca notice.
> Does amarok fail to start or is there just this message?
Sadly it fails to start. :-(
But i think it is fixable. because "all is an file" :-) Just finding
that is the difficult...
Sincerely Yours
Sascha Manns
openSUSE Community & Support Agent
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