Amarok 2.2 - Podcast's description

Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels at
Mon Sep 21 08:50:22 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 23:10, Jiří Voseček <jiri.vosecek at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know something about podcast service in Amarok 2.x.
> There was better support for Podcasts in Amarok 1.4, I could read a short
> description of the episode, not only name. The description of episode is for
> a
> lot of people very important (some talkshow in radio for example - I need to
> know who is guest, what they were talking about etc.).
> Nowadays, I have to read the information somewhere else than in Amarok and
> it
> is annoying.
> I read the blogpost about the support in Amarok 2. -
> plans.html- but it is one year old and I can not find anything else.
> Does it some progress?
> Thanks
> Jiri Vosecek
> Czech Republic

I'm glad you noticed, because you could help improve the podcasting features.

A few small features have trickled in, very slowly.

The reason it's so incomplete ATM is lack of time. I'm the only one
that still seems interested in working on the podcast support but was
busy with akademy08, other amarok stuff and real life. It's unlikely
I'll have time to seriously improve the podcasting in the near future.
So in short: we need more manpower, even a new maintainer.

The stuff in the blog post is still mostly valid. And in order to keep
podcasting in amarok relevant in the time of
podcast-clients-on-smartphones I want to add a lot of "social"
features. Specifically recommendations based on data from,, etc.

It's an exiting field and there is a very good base in Amarok, for
someone that has the time.


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