Amarok 2.2 - Podcast's description

Jiří Voseček jiri.vosecek at
Sun Sep 20 21:10:14 UTC 2009

I would like to know something about podcast service in Amarok 2.x.

There was better support for Podcasts in Amarok 1.4, I could read a short 
description of the episode, not only name. The description of episode is for a 
lot of people very important (some talkshow in radio for example - I need to 
know who is guest, what they were talking about etc.).

Nowadays, I have to read the information somewhere else than in Amarok and it 
is annoying.

I read the blogpost about the support in Amarok 2. -
plans.html- but it is one year old and I can not find anything else.

Does it some progress?

Jiri Vosecek
Czech Republic

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