Getting started developing

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Oct 26 08:20:06 UTC 2009

Hi Justin,

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 20:28, Justin Brown <justin.brown1.1 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> So I've been using Amarok for a couple years now, and I really want to start
> doing some development. The problem is that I don't really know where to
> begin. I have a decent amount of C++ experience from school, and I've done
> some PyQT programming on my own, so I feel like I should have the skills to
> make some contributions.

Welcome on board :)

> I just don't understand how to do it. I managed to
> use git clone to get a copy of the source code, but it's really
> overwhelming. I don't know where to begin. I seem to remember Lydia posting
> on a blog about junior jobs, but I'm not sure what the status of those jobs
> are. Does anyone have a recommendation on a smallish piece of code that
> needs work? My idea would be to get a fairly small piece (maybe 5-6 files)
> and study it for a few days, then try to make some minor tweaks to it.
> I'm also not really sure how to use git/gitorious. I signed up for an
> account and added a ssh key. How do I go about making commits? Should I be
> asking these questions somewhere else?

Did you read our wiki on how to get started? There are a lot of useful links:

Also, just signing in on Gitorious will not allow you to do merges, if
you want to contribute on a regular basis you need to apply for a KDE
developer account, too, so you can be added in the KDE developers

And, most important, read the hacking guide available here:

Hope this helps :)

Regards, Myriam.

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