Custom file locations in MSC devices - missing option?

Edgar Kalkowski eMail at
Fri Oct 9 21:30:04 UTC 2009


perhaps a bit off topic but I have a Creative Zen which is correctly recognized as an MTP device by Amarok. I also can copy music to and from the device but all music I copy to it with Amarok is stored in a folder called “Music”. When I copy music using Creative’s Windows program there are several folders including an “Album” folder into which I put all the albums I copied before Amarok supported MTP devices.

I would love if Amarok would also be able to comply to this folder structure and it would be possible to transfer whole albums into the “Album” folder.

Apart from that I love 2.2 very much! Good job!


Brian Morrison schrob:
> On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 14:23:10 +0100
> Brian Morrison <bdm at> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > 
> > I've just updated to Amarok 2.2 and am pleased to see that mass storage
> > players are now supported, thanks for this improvement.
> > 
> > However, when I want to add music in the expected place I cannot seem to
> > get the custom directory string I need.
> > 
> > I'm using a Sansa Fuze, and its external SD card mounts in
> > /media/Sandisk16G, this has various sub-directories including Music.
> > 
> > Try as I might, I can't get the custom path string to include that
> > "music" part of the directory tree, and I can't change the device root
> > entry or the following / that are outlined in blue and appear unchangeable.
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me how this is done or is it a case of raising a bug or
> > feature request?
> > 
> > Cheers!
> > 
> Can anyone shed any light on this? It can't just be the Fuze that
> behaves this way, I think most of the Sansa players use a Music
> sub-directory on both internal and external storage.
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