interview: Behind the music

Myriam Schweingruber myriam.schweingruber at
Mon Nov 30 18:03:23 UTC 2009

Hi Daniel,

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 18:55, Dâniel Fraga <fragabr at> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:38:18 +0100
> Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at> wrote:
>> Which bug do you mean specifically?
>        Sorry for not pointing the exact link.
>> Before 2.2.1, it often used to stop playing in the middle of the
>> stream, sometimes after just three songs or so. However, for 2.2.1 I
>> fixed up the EngineController, and now the problem doesn't happen
>> anymore here (except for an obscure bug in Phonon/xine that sometimes
>> makes Phonon freak out altogether when playing over HTTP, but this is
>> unrelated to Amarok).
>        This one. This is really really annoying. I always use the
> latest GIT and for months I have this nasty bug:
>        In my humble opinnion, this bug should be considered high
> priority, because it makes the experience totally
> unusable. :( At least for me and those who suffer with it.

AFAICS you are the only person experiencing this bug, none of us can
reproduce it since Marks fixes, and it was solved for the original
reporter since quite some time. That certainly doesn't qualify for
high priority, quite the contrary.

None of the logs you posted really gives a clue what is wrong, sorry,
so there is not much of a chance to fix it, since nobody knows where
the problem lies.

Daniel, understand this right: it's not that we don't want to help
you, but we simply don' have enough information, and even worse, we
ourselves can't reproduce this, how on earth could we fix something we
can't even reproduce?

Regards, Myriam.
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