Dynamic playlists renaming

Jan Holthuis jan at holmek.de
Thu May 14 16:46:51 UTC 2009

Well, in this case, we can leave the name unchanged :-)
It thought the goal was to simplify the name - and I think, that »Party 
Jukebox« fits well.
In no way I intended to wound your pride by comparing Amarok to iTunes ;-) (in 
fact, Amarok is waaaaay better). iTunes-fanboys can already have Songbird, 
they don't need Amarok. And by using »Party Jukebox« as a name for dynamic 
playlists, it won't become iTunes.

Anyway, »Auto DJ« is nice, too.

Am Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009 18:22:09 schrieb Jeff Mitchell:
> Jan Holthuis wrote:
> > Why not call it »Party Jukebox« like in iTunes?
> Because we're not iTunes, and we don't want to be iTunes.
> --Jeff

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