Fw: Re: Fwd: Amarok doesn't play sound, was Re: (no subject)

iiro.wasen at saunalahti.fi iiro.wasen at saunalahti.fi
Sun May 3 14:43:26 UTC 2009

--- Alkuperäinen viesti ---
Aihe: Re: Fwd: Amarok doesn't play sound, was Re: (no subject)
Lähetetty: 3.5.2009 15:27
Lähettäjä: Andrew Stromme [andrew.stromme at gmail.com]
On Sunday 03 May 2009 05:44:57 Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> FYI, sent privately by error
> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 22:40,  <iiro.wasen at saunalahti.fi> wrote:
> > I updated my ubuntu for the 9.0.4 version it came with the Amarok version
> > 2.0.2. When I try to play the music on Amarok it shows the message "Too
> > many errors encountered in playlist. Playback stopped.". The music did
> > play on the older Amarok version. I have checked that it reads the music
> > from the right folder. Every other music players seem to work just fine.
> > And lastly the music is in .mp3.

We've had many reports of pulseaudio preventing phonon from working correctly. 
You can try removing pulseaudio with 'sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio'. 
Additionally, ensure that you have the relevant xine packages installed (off 
the top of my head libxine-ffmpeg or something like that) and that you have 
selected Xine as your Phonon backend in System Settings -> Multimedia -> 
Backend (after all this you might need to log out and in again or even reboot)

Andrew Stromme

I have removed pulseaudio and i do have the libxine-ffmpeg. The only thing I couldn't change was the Xine as my Phonon backend. I went to the System Settings, couldn't find multimedia (I have the finnish version of ubuntu), but I went to Sound and there was all those 'music and video' and 'sound conferences' or something like that and a slide panel next to them which listed things like Alsa, HDA Intel and ofcourse the Pulseaudio. There was no Xine in the list and it was set to 'automatic detection'.

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