On Terminology- sort of

N Randolph yoshikira at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 18:54:21 UTC 2009

Hey, everyone. Just a quick question (and a half...):

I know Computer Scientists will do [just about] ANYTHING to make the field
of study [sound] more sophisticated. With that, there has got to be some
sort of term or system of terms referring to code for things like GUIs and
code for calculating things that people who use it [usually] never see. What
is it?
I ask this because some part of amaroK is GUI related and done with Qt and
some is more data manipulation like that is done with C++.    (Hey, but Qt
_is_ C++) Yes, I know, and there is an amaroK API for anyone who would like
to customize it to their liking. However, for the purposes of Code Testing,
some of it will require the cppunit library and some of it will require Qt
test library...... and if I can avoid it, I don't want to refer to the code
needing testing with the Qt test library as "The code needing testing with
the Qt test library" and so on.
This question is merely for the sake of cleaner communication. Anyone with
extensive textbook knowledge feel free to respond.


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