Q: dynamic playlist of unrated songs

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 21:44:35 UTC 2009

Gary Steinert said the following at 06/29/2009 01:50 PM :

> Could we not (talking from a visual side here) give some indication to the 
> user that the track is unrated other than having no stars. The first idea that 
> comes to mind is simply writing 'Unrated' across the stars (see the attached 
> screenshot) This would remove any ambiguity and allow people to rate a track 0 
> stars.


Unrated is simply not not not the same as a rating of zero (regardless of
whether a rating of zero is legal at the moment). To confuse the two
completely different ideas is... confusing :-)

To make it even worse, right now there isn't even the remotest hint in the
UI that the two ideas are confused. It simply expects  the user to confuse
the ideas. That does not strike me as sensible; it basically says "if
you're reasonably smart this will not make sense to you, and we aren't
going to tell you the way it really works", which I suggest is not good UI

If people decide to insist on zero rating being the same as unrated, then I
would suggest simply doing away with any notion of "unrated". Get rid of
the <blank> option when generating a filter (I still don't know what that
does) and explicitly make it VERY clear (in the UI and in the
documentation) that all tracks are given a rating of zero when they are

> Also, just to give a scenario when 0 stars would be useful. I, more often than 
> not, get music by the album, and I hate having incomplete albums in my 
> collection (no idea why, just really annoys me =P). So every once in a while I 
> get an awesome album with a track I absolutely hate. I dont want to remove it 
> from my collection because its part of the album, but I would rate it 0, 
> rather than 1 which suggests I actually like something about it =P.

You're talking about "Revolution #9", right? :-) Or am I showing my age?

And that's exactly what I want to do, too.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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