Video applet

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at
Wed Jun 17 01:34:30 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Oscar<Soker><sokerlp at> wrote:
> I tested with other video and it sounds fine, but maybe the videos are using
> different audio codec, the first video sounds great in other players, well
> maybe there is noise but not much, playing it with amarok it's, well, just
> noise
> And what do you mean with, can you provide a video example ? do you mean the
> type???

He meant a file.

But you can just test with Dragon Player. Dragon Player uses the same
backend as Amarok so it should have the same problem. Likely its the
backends fault, Amarok doesn't have much to do with playing sound
really - as counterintuitive as that sounds :).


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