Absolutely awesome plasmoid idea: the playlist itself

Seb Ruiz ruiz at kde.org
Thu Jan 8 00:41:09 UTC 2009

2009/1/8 Robert Smits <bob at rsmits.ca>:
> You see, Henry, I think plasmoids suck. I'd rather not have any feature of
> Amarok, which I really really like depend on bling from KDE4 to work.

What difference does it make to you, as a user, what container or how
the functionality is exposed to you? Does the term "plasmoid" unnerve
you and make you feel that it may be unstable?

> I don't care about which libraries I need installed, I just don't want the
> only option for my playlist to be in a plasmoid. It would be fine with me if
> you make it an option I can refuse, but I'd like to be able to use Amarok2 in
> KDE3.

Once again, what difference does it make? You can use Amarok 2 within
KDE3 regardless of whether we use plasmoids in our application or not
(which we are).

Seb Ruiz


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