OT question about functionality / reliability of cover management on iPods

Michael Neumeier dennismail at gmx.net
Sat Dec 26 10:57:03 UTC 2009


> Hi Michael,
> You'll find that artwork is handled in two different locations for
> ipods/itunes: on the ipod, there is a separate artwork database which
> is written (which is different to the information about songs). On
> itunes, artwork is recovered from the embedded image meta tag from the
> files. It is possible that the ipod uses both locations in different
> circumstances, which is why coverflow works but individual art
> doesn't.

Many thanks - this was exactly the info I was looking for. It does not solve my problem, but that´s okay for me because now I know how it works and where probable problem fields may be.

> Amarok will copy artwork to this secondary database when copying
> tracks - but only if your ipod has been correctly initialised to do so
> (there is a manual step you must take - search the amarok wiki for
> ipods). Amarok 1.4 has the ability to synchronise cover art between
> your local collection and the ipod, if it can find matching metadata
> (artist/album/title), but only if Amarok has the artwork registered
> with the albums (rather than embedded in the tag data for each song).

Hm... You´re talking about Amarok 1.4 here. Did something change in Amarok 2 ?


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