talk about screwing the pooch!

Myriam Schweingruber myriam.schweingruber at
Tue Aug 18 09:40:07 UTC 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 05:05, Orville Bennett<illogical1 at> wrote:
> Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> Hi William,
>> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 23:49, william<whensley at>  wrote:
>> But before upgrading to an new
>> version one should read release notes anyway, so don't blame us for
>> your lack of information.
> For serious? Where would someone find that in synaptic/update-manager?
> Or perhaps, users should quickly scribble things down as words fly by at
> FTL speeds, and then go to the website for those hundreds of software
> pkgs installed during a system upgrade.

Oh come on, Orville, don't be a prick, you know very well that all
major updates have extensive websites and/or wikis with changelogs and
descriptions of what is new, this should be read "before" upgrading to
a major version, and you know that. of course this is not done during
installation. If you buy e.g. a new washing machine you read the
service description too and don't complain to the manufacturer
afterwards that it doesn't work exactly like the old one you had...

Coming from you I would expect a few more intelligent statements, all
you did in the last months is making silly remarks, seriously, that

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