Amarok 2 no sound

Christoph Spielmann spielc at
Tue Apr 28 17:50:55 UTC 2009


On 28.04.2009 19:34, Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
> I know that I am not alone from what I have found online, but when I
> upgraded to Jaunty with KDE 4.2, I also got Amarok 2. I have checked,
> and I do have phone-backend-xine installed, and I do not have the
> phonon-backend-gstreamer installed. I am now kind of stuck on what to do
> next. I know the problem is not with the sound in general since Miro
> plays videos just fine.
Do you happen to have pulseaudio installed? If yes uninstall it, this 
solved all my phonon-related problems.


> Thank you,

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