Phonon oddities

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Wed Apr 22 14:27:26 UTC 2009

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 22.04.09 13:45:47, Martin T. Sandsmark wrote:
>> On Wednesday 22. April 2009 13:11:24 Colin Guthrie wrote:
>>> I was really just lamenting that the "solution" to the gstreamers
>>> engines suckiness when Qt landed it many moons ago was to replace it
>>> with a xine engine rather than to make it work properly.
>> I was under the impression that the Xine engine was the first (publically 
>> available) Phonon backend.
> Exactly, xine was the only phonon engine available when KDE 4.0 (and hence
> the first version of phonon) was released (IIRC), only with Qt4.4 and the
> addition of phonon was a gstreamer engine available, added by Trolltech
> back then.

There has also been talk with some of the VLC guys of a VLC engine,
which would not only be cross-platform (and should be pretty stable) but
should (AFAIK) legally be able to play MP3s.


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