Restore Amarok MySQL dB

Brian Blater brb.lists at
Tue Sep 23 15:30:16 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Seb Ruiz <ruiz at> wrote:
> You'll have to do a bit of sql trickery unfortunately. Since you
> reinstalled a new distro with most likely new partitions and what not,
> the unique identifiers has changed. You'll need to find out your new
> uuid (it will be listed in the devices table)
> SELECT * FROM devices;
> Find the correct device, and then update all your statistics with it:
> UPDATE statistics SET deviceid = correctid
> --
> Seb Ruiz

Thank you Seb.

A couple of questions in regards to this. Looking at another machine
right now, so not the db in question. From the devices table I need to
find the mountpoint for the drive where the collection is stored and
then see what ID it is assigned and use that as the 'correctid' in the
UPDATE command above? Is that correct?

Thanks for your help.


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