Mac Package: Reporting Bugs?

Andrew Ash andrew.ash at
Sun Sep 21 03:52:29 UTC 2008

Amarok team,

Great work on Amarok 2, and special thanks to Orville Bennett for
working on Mac packages!  I've been testing Amarok on the Mac for a
bit now, and have some bugs to report.  Since some of them are Mac
specific, and some are probably more general, I was wondering if I
could get some feedback on them.

Here's a quick bit on the bugs I've found.  I would of course write
the full bug up when I report them, but I'm not sure which should go
to and which cosmetic ones should possibly be left on the

Amarok 2 OS X dmg package bugs:

- The context view center panel has some pixel garbage in it
occasionally.  Hovering over the add/remove widgets and zoom-out icon
cause pixel garbage to be displayed in the hover-over icon.  See
accompanying screenshots.

- Moving the first track of an album brings the whole album with it in
the playlist.  suppose I have two full albums in the playlist, Album A
and Album B.  If I want to move the first track of Album B to the
middle of Album A, then I highlight that track and drag it to the
center and release.  Instead of just that single track moving, the
entire Album B comes with it into where I dropped just the first
track.  Is this by design?

- The system tray icon's menu has a blank entry.  The options are:
<blank>, previous track, play/pause, stop, next track, <divider>,
minimize, and quit.  I think the blank entry may be related to the
missing title in the task list that Christie mentioned.

- Scrolling from one space to another (Apple's Spaces parallels
virtual desktops on Linux) is slow and stuttery if it is to/from the
Amarok window.  I think this is more a KDE-on-Mac issue than Amarok

- trying to add my loved radio causes an error notification
popup and crashes Amarok.  (I'm not a subscriber).  This will
probably be related to the library rewrite underway.

- The bottom of the playlist menu has an unnecessary divider: ...
clear playlist, repeat, random, <unnecessary divider>.  This may exist
on Linux too, but it's very visible in OS X's menu styling.

- Trying to open help doesn't work: "Could not launch the KDE Help
Center: KDEInit could not launch 'khelpcenter'.: Could not find
'khelpcenter' executable"

- Scrolling on the wikipedia widget moves the scrollbar but the
content doesn't change at all.

- Setting the External web browser in General Settings seems to have
no effect on the links in the wikipedia applet, which don't open at

- Occasionally music hangs for a bit and then restarts a few seconds
later.  I don't think there's a heavy load going on then, but I
haven't investigated much because it's irregular.

I think it might be useful to create a list of Mac-specific bugs on
the wiki (or elsewhere) to assist any Mac developers in where to go
with Amarok.  Would such a thing be convenient?

Thanks so much for the great work in the Amarok 2 cycle!

Andrew Ash

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