Any way to replay the last few seconds?

Gary Steinert gary.steinert at
Fri Oct 24 10:12:17 UTC 2008

On Friday 24 October 2008 01:10:07 Larry Alkoff wrote:
> I have been looking in the documentation and this mailing list for a way
> to go back a few seconds in a song and replay from there.
> This feature is implemented in Banshee using control< and control> and
> goes back (and forward) 2 seconds each time ctl< is pressed.  So by
> pressing that key twice I can go back 4 seconds, etc.  But I want Amarok
> to be my main player <g>.
> It's very handy when learning my Spanish lessons to go back a few
> seconds to hear the phrase again.
> Is there any way to implement this (perhaps a script) in 1.4 or possibly
> later in 2?

I am working on a feature that allows you to replay a certain amount of the 
track when resuming from pausing. For example, if you pause a track at 
01:13 it could resume at 01:11. Unfortunately it wont make 2.0 but I'm 
hoping to get it in for 2.1.
> Larry
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Gary Steinert

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