Scores not working in OpenSuse

Seb Ruiz ruiz at
Thu Oct 9 22:47:32 UTC 2008

2008/10/10 Andrew Lowe <andrew.lowe at>:
> I have been using OpenSuse builds of Amarok 2 for a while, and have only one
> problem: Scores do not seem to work.  They can be edited, but are never
> updated automatically by statistics.
> I had asked on the dot, and got a reply that they were in a config option
> somewhere - but have looked everywhere. It is not in the gui, and nothing in
> my amrokrc and other config files.  Looking at the svn repository it looks
> like the user toggle of score and rating were disabled, so that they could not
> be turned off.

The scores option was removed from the configuration and is now always
on, at least it should be. Make sure that you have a scoring script
available and enabled in the script manager - if you don't, or it
doesn't work, perhaps we have had a regression on our side.

Seb Ruiz

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