Scripting Service Questions

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at
Wed Nov 26 06:41:20 UTC 2008

> 3. question: is it possible to add a image (like the album image) next to
> the name of the stream ?
>    the idea is to put the favicon of the homepage of the radio station in
> front of the label.
>    if it is possible, how can i make the stream to display the image
> (favicons is provided only as url) ?
>    how do i get the favicon ?
>    in order to implement this i would need something like the cover manager,
> just simpler. the scripting manager
>    should only download the images from the provided urls and save them
> locally, so they can be accessed and displayed.
>    is this possible with the scriptiong manager?

In Amarok 2.0.0 this will not be possible, but in a future version
there will be full support for custom cover images as well as custom
service icons and emblems. I actually already have a private git
branch with these features, but because of our current feature freeze
before the 2.0.0 it will not be added until at least the next version
( 2.0.1 ). Having just a url to the cover/favicon is not a problem as
the new system fetches covers dynamically as it needs them.

- Nikolaj

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