mac packages need testin' yo.

Walter Little walterplittle at
Sun Nov 23 03:46:41 UTC 2008

OK, looks like I spoke too soon.
Amarok eventually did finish with the collection, but it appeared to be not
taking the folder settings in the Preferences into effect. I'm playing
around with it to see what's going on there, but I do have a collection.
Just took a while to build.

For some reason Amarok now closes without having to use Force Quit, but Mac
OS X still sees it as a crash.


On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 7:35 PM, Walter Little <walterplittle at>wrote:

> Big O... thanks for your efforts. Just installed your pkg on my PPC 10.4
> box. Installer completed with no issues, and Amarok started up without
> crashing, so it looks like your installer is working correctly.
> Some things I noticed post-install (these are probably all known issues):
> - Can't seem to build a collection (I think I have read, however, that this
> doesn't yet work on the Mac though)
> - Can't close the program in the nominal sense, have to use Apple
> menu->Force Quit.
> - The track progress indicator at the top doesn't seem to do anything
> But, this is by far the furthest I have been able to get with putting
> Amarok on the Mac... so thanks for that.
> Cheers,
> Walter
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Big O <illogical1 at> wrote:
>> The rc1 paclages need testers on the following platforms
>> 10.4 intel:
>> 10.4 ppc:
>> 10.5 intel:
>> 10.5 ppc:
>> If they install and amarok starts up, success. Anything not working
>> beyond that probably isn't my fault (but let me know nonetheless)
>> We _really_ need people on ppc and 10.4 to give these a try.
>> And THEY'RE ONLY 71 MB. You can download FOUR of these in the time in
>> took to get the last package.
>> Also: installer could do with some pimped out Amarok artwork. Any takers?
>> P.S. send replies to amarok at not me, i plan on being missing for a
>> while.
>> P.P.S. Don't link these to digg, etc. they'll be public soon enough.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> All your gmail are belong to us.
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