Export playlist, dcop usage, etc.

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Fri May 16 02:32:13 UTC 2008

Some beginner questions.

Are play lists saved in the database or as m3u files?

I'm not quite clear how best to create saved play lists.

What I did was load my entire collection into the playlist window on
the right.  Then I created a few empty playlist on the Playlists tab.

Then I went through the songs previewing them and dragging them to the
appropriate list.

Now, how do I export a play list to an m3u file?  If I "Load" one of
the save playlists and then do Playlist/Save Playlist As it will save
it to the .m3u file I specify but also then creates a listing in the
"Playlists" tree.

Also, I like the Queue feature to queue a song to play next.
If I have a filename of a song on disk is there a way via dcop to tell
Amarok to queue that file?  I want to be able to use dcop to insert a
song into the current playlist.

Finally, is there a way to tell Amarok to ignore "The " at the start
of artist's names?  "Beatles" and "The Beatles" end up sorted
differently in the playlist view.  The Collection view seems to know
that those are the same.


Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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