RF Remote Control Suggestions?

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Mon May 12 06:33:09 UTC 2008

I'm looking for an inexpensive remote to use with Amarok.  I need one
that is RF as the machine is not near where the remote will be used.

Any suggestions?

A few years back I had an X10 remote that worked great with any
application (I could basically map any key on the remote to a shell
command).  I still have that around, although it requires a serial
interface and the machine running Amarok doesn't have a serial
interface (are there Serial to USB connectors?).  And even if I had
one I'm not sure I still have the driver source code.

Here's the remote, btw:


Hum, I still have that old box around -- maybe it will still work and
I can try and sent the commands over the LAN.

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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