[Feedback] Somewhat of a union

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 07:16:18 UTC 2008

Hi Eddie

To be completely honest, I am not quite sure what is is you actually
try to accomplish. So I was hoping that you would elaborate a little.
What, for instance is a "music piracy solution group"? Now, I may be
quite biased, but in my opinion, for most small artists, the problem
with piracy is a distant second to the issue of obscurity. If no one
knows about you, they do not even care to pirate your stuff.  I hope
to hear a bit more about your project, and what it actually is that
you do.

Disclaimer: I work for the small record label Magnatune.com, and as we
sell all our content under a Creative Commons license that allows non
commercial sharing, piracy is really non existent for us, as we
realize that the first step to getting customers is actually getting
people to listen to some of out music.

- Nikolaj

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 3:32 PM,  <eddie at simplespace.co.nz> wrote:
> Edward Steven sent a message using the contact form at
>  http://amarok.kde.org/en/contact.
>  Hi there.
>  My name is Edward Steven. I am currently in the motions of setting up
>  (I've been at it for a year so far) a little something called
>  'simplespace'. The website (www.simplespace.co.nz) is online, so please
>  feel free to check it out (it is very much in development). Anyway. The
>  focus of the company is to be a worldwide portal of music (hopefully a
>  recording studio and label) but also a purveyor of open source software
>  like amaroK. I believe that we could work together to make the simplespace
>  and amaroK relationship harmonious.
>  The simplespace concept is, well... simple. It is so far a small community
>  of like-minded developers, artists, musicians and the like, who have joined
>  forces to help the music industry. We are starting music piracy solution
>  groups around our local physical community, but also hope to build an
>  online presence that will hopefully bring programmers and hackers into the
>  next motion of music piracy... a solution. We believe that amaroK could be
>  a key player in this, as the music makers, the music providers and the
>  music players are all vital stages. Closed source players are not an
>  option, whereas open-source development is where we are at... it is the
>  correct mentality and how simplespace aims to work. I believe that using
>  simplespace as the music development side of a hopefully 2-part team would
>  bring open-source music into the same realm as say blender, which is well
>  on the way to releasing the 2nd open movie. How is a collaborative
>  'open-album' not a possibilty.
>  My ideas so far are slightly vague, as I do not know how far amaroK's
>  involvement in the music industry intends to be, and for all I know I may
>  be barking up the wrong tree, and might only be able to offer a small link
>  on  the pages of simplespace. However I hope that together we can help make
>  a movement of music listeners... as iTunes has tried, and failed.
>  Eddie
>  Simplespace
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