Hello everyone

Piotr Zaborski pitazboras at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 07:46:43 UTC 2008

> I think this Is a worthy project, but my only reservation is that it
>  sounds a little short for 3 months of work. I would expand it if
>  possible and include a detailed timeline.

OK, I will try to expand this idea. My easter break starts this
Thursday, so I will have more time to prepare the project and
application. Of course, I'm still looking for any feedback.

My timeline "draft":
* April, May, June - reading code, documentations etc.
* second half of June - my exams
* 1st of July (maybe few days earlier, depends on my exams exact date)
- start of serious coding
* my academic year starts in October 1, so I can code also on
September or even early October

>  Unfortunately, until next monday I will be in a desert in the middle
>  of nowhere, so my responses will be very sparse.

So bad :(

Anyway, thanks for all feedback.


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