coverflow for amarok 2

Gregory Meyer greg at
Mon Mar 10 10:52:39 UTC 2008

> I think the developers are missing the point of a "coverflow" type of
>  application.
>  The usefulness (and why people love the i-* interface) is that it allows
>  your human visual processing find what you are looking for infinitely
>  faster than using a text based system.
>  I suggest that the developers go find someone with itunes, an iphone or
>  ipod and do some benchmarking tests and see how much faster it is to
>  visually search for a specific album, than scrolling thru a text
>  list.(especially with a large 20Gb + collection)
>  the stack or tower idea is ok, but it needs to address the speed issue
>  of searching. or don't bother, because amarok is already a great
>  application. I can't wait for a 2.0 to be released, hope it happens soon.
I don't really get why we should make amarok into itunes.  If I wanted
iTunes I would use it.  Just my 2 eurocents (cause they're worth more)

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