[Feedback] QuickPlay Media Buttons

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com
Wed Jun 18 11:52:10 UTC 2008

On Monday 16 June 2008, Craig Ross wrote:
> Hi  Adlai
> You will need to turn on the gnome keys script to get amarok to take
> the multimedia key signals from gnome.

Some clarification: it's not taking the signals from Gnome, the script just 
(or rather, I haven't seen it, but it *should* just) add shortcuts for 
XF86AudioPlay, XF86AudioNext, etc. into Amarok, or listen for these 
keypresses and then react in Amarok.  (If it actually hooks into Gnome 
libraries it seems like it's doing too much work to me, including loading up 
unnecessary libraries).  These are usually mapped to the right buttons on 
keyboards, although in some cases it takes an extra xmodmap tweak.

They may become secondary defaults in Amarok at some point.  But remember the 
Winamp-style shortcuts too...Win+Z through Win+B.  I find those much faster 
to hit than moving my hand over to the multimedia keys.

Another way you can do things is to go into the KDE Control Center, go to the 
Regional and Accessibility section, and go to Input Actions.  This lets you 
do a whole *ton* of things with arbitrary triggers.  (For instance, you can 
map multimedia key presses into DCOP calls to Amarok, which is what I used to 
do before we really had any scripts to do it).


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