Feature proposal

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Fri Feb 22 21:48:31 UTC 2008

Amarok 1.4 has a set of DCOP functions, Amarok 2 has a DBus interface.
Using these functions would solve the issues.

Assigning normal keys to a remote control button doesn't make much
sense to me, due to the issues you outline.


PS No ones knows WTF an HTPC is.

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Gordan Krešić <gkresic at htpchouse.com> wrote:
> Since Amarok2 is finally forming its shape, I would abuse the moment
>  to make a note that there are people who use Amarok in somehow
>  specific circumstances than usual desktop music playback and so we
>  have somehow... well... specific thoughts :)
>  Seriously, I'm building my own HTPC system, working on it for quite
>  some time, mostly experimenting with different applications for the
>  job and Amarok won my sympathies as music playing component. However,
>  since HTPC setup is not an ordinary desktop, there still are great
>  number of small annoyances that are possibly easy to implement in
>  configurable fashion, as most of Amarok's GUI and engine already is.
>  Since HTPC is operated with only simple remote controller and without
>  a mouse, all actions have to be triggered by single key press, without
>  the need for composite keys and absolutely without the need for mouse
>  actions. Most of the actions in present version are already
>  implemented that way, with the exception of visualizations and main
>  playback controls (which are global keyboard shortcuts instead of
>  being active only when Amarok's window has focus - so it is very
>  difficult to find single key shortcuts that won't interfere with any
>  other application). Adding configurable keyboard shortcuts for
>  controlling visualization window and adding possibility to make
>  control keys "local" to Amarok's window would make Amarok much more
>  keyboard and thus also HTPC friendly.
>  Another "issue" is inability to remove some GUI components that don't
>  have any purpose for users without a mouse and/or classic keyboard.
>  Search box, for example, is major problem because it can steal focus
>  and prevent single-key keyboard shortcuts from working. A bit smaller
>  annoyance is "toolbar" in the top of the window, that hasn't any
>  purpose in mouseless environments and is only occupying space. Also,
>  in contrast to most the other KDE apps, menu bar also can not be
>  switched off.
>  I hope these suggestions won't be taken as rants from ungrateful n00b,
>  but as some possibly fresh thoughts from yet another geekish minority
>  of user base :)
>  Anyway, you can find more about my efforts on building somehow
>  different HTPC setup on:
>         http://www.htpchouse.com/
>  where you can find more detailed description why these features would
>  be useful for.
>         -gkresic.
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