Possible to add non-media files to the playlist

Andreas Mützel andreas.muetzel at gmx.net
Mon Aug 25 22:29:22 UTC 2008

I just noticed that you actually can add _any_ type of file (even .txt etc.) 
to the playlist via "Amarok"->"Play media...". Is this really desired? 
I think it would be better to check if the added files can be played before 
adding them to the playlist, wouldn't it?
As with my last suggestion: Patch attached ;-)
The patch uses EngineController::canDecode in CollectionManager::trackForUrl 
so that it only returns the track if it can actually be played. 
This has one main disadvantage: if the backend for example can't play 
mp3-files, these files probably couldn't even be added to a playlist. (I'm 
sorry I can't verify this, I don't have any sound-files on my PC that can't 
be played by phonon...)
Do you think this behaviour is desireable?

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