Maybe a bug - needs confirmation

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Mon Apr 21 14:09:41 UTC 2008

On 4/21/08, Gleb Litvjak <blaster999 at> wrote:
>  Yesterday I've stumbled upon what I consider to be a bug in Amarok. Actually,
>  I found it long ago, and posted it but it was marked as
>  invalid, and I thought my system was broken. But recently I bought a new PC
>  and installed a different distribution, but still this bug is present.
>  Anyway, here it is. If I enable crossfading (I've set it to 400 ms), then
>  sometimes Amarok skips a track less than a second after starting to play it.
>  This happens at random,probably when I/O activity is high. Another guess is
>  that it skips FLACs more often than any other file types. The score is also
>  altered, as if I manually skipped it. If I disable crossfading, this bug
>  disappears. It would be great if someone could verify this.

That's a xine issue; the smaller you make the crossfading period, the
more likely it is to skip. I could never quite figure out the reason,
so I set a mininum value that worked reliably on my box.


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