missing ID3-tags when receive from player

Rich rich at hq.vsaa.lv
Wed Sep 26 08:00:31 UTC 2007

On 2007.09.26. 10:55, Kevin Lohmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Amarok to manage my Creative Zen Vision M.
> All my files are tagged with ID3.1.1 and ID3.2.
> After transfer from computer to player the following happens:

hmm. subject indicates reverse direction. so is this to player or from 
player ?

> - All 3.2-tags are missing
> - Most of the 3.1.1 tags are missing
> In the other direction everything works fine.

which amarok version, which taglib version ?

check which exact versions the problematic files have (eyeD3 is known to 
show that). compare to the files that are transferred correctly.

is there a file that you can use to always reproduce the problem ?

> I first thought that this may be a bug in the Zen-player but when I 
> tried the same
> using gnomad2 instead of Amarok the 3.1.1-tags were transferred successful
> I tried this several times and it seems not-deterministic for me in 
> which cases Amarok
> 'loses' the tags and in which not.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin

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